This November, the major astrological transits of 2019 are passed and we are invited to turn inward to integrate and reflect on the lessons of 2019. As the energy shifts, so does our perspective. All of the major astrological activity supports the energy of exhale, release, and final integration. With Jupiter in the last decan of Sagittarius, our major transit over the past year is coming to a close.
The Neptune Jupiter square (the test of faith) has been passed, and we are ready to graduate to a wiser version of ourselves. The Saturn/South Node dance is dwindling out, and the two powerhouses have finally separated. The karmic roots have been addressed, one way or another, and we can walk more fully into our souls responsibilities in 2020.
This month highlights in two seemingly opposing energies: lightheartedness and intensity. With Jupiter and Venus in Sagittarius this month, we still have a lightness to our experience before the vibes get very Capricorn heavy in 2020. While Mercury is retrograde in Scorpio, there is the opportunity to go deep. This will be a good month to tap into our subconscious motivations. This month is not about big exterior shifts, it's about big shifts within ourselves.
As we take a long, hearty exhale this month, take some space to enjoy a new version of yourself. This version is one that is a bit wiser, tested, and comfortably authentic.
This year Jupiter has been moving through the sign of Sagittarius. Jupiter makes things bigger. Wherever he moves in your chart will tell you an area of life that has become emphasized for you. Jupiter is almost finished working on this area of your life, and has brought forth some powerful lessons or experiences. Read more about what to focus on integrating to prepare for the new lessons of 2020.
I recommend reading by your rising sign, but if you do not know this, you can read from your sun sign.
Aries Rising//Aries
Time to decide what you believe. This has been a year in exposing you to new ideas, and seeing the common truth that runs through all things. Now that you have gone through a stage of enlightenment of your beliefs, you will have to incorporate this wisdom with your professional life. 2020 will be a big year for your career. Start thinking about where new realizations will guide your direction on career. Venus will also support the energy of Jupiter, and could bring in new friendships or experiences. Don’t be afraid to tap into your inner gypsy and dream big! It’s a great month to explore, immerse yourself in different cultures to absorb wisdom. Traveling is a great idea, despite mercury being retrograde. The last week of November (exactly on November 25), Venus and Jupiter will meet up and expand this energy to its peak.
Also this month, the Mercury retrograde from October 31-November 20 will be a great time to evaluate the shared values with those around you. It’s also a good time to manage finances or take a look at where you potentially have debt, or how you are sharing your resources with others. Does a cash flow to a partner need to be cut off, or maybe reopened? Ultimately, our shared money and resources are going towards what we value.
The full moon on November 12th will have the opportunity to shed light on your personal finances and values. Around this time messages or experiences around your personal values will be illuminated. The full moon will help to ensure that each shared expense aligns with your moral compass, and is fulfilling your needs. Avoid making any rash decisions or signing any papers now, just begin to open up and realize what needs to happen at the end of November and into December. The month will wrap up with a New Moon in Gemini on November 27. For you, this is a wonderful time to set commit to being more understanding to the different points of view of others. Commit to and set intention around clear, understanding and empathetic communication. Look inward for answers and truth, don’t be overly distracted by the media. Set intention around your truth, no one else's. It should be clearer now more than ever!
Taurus Rising//Taurus
You are coming out of a period of acute personal transformation. Weather it be from losing part of yourself (or what you thought you were), or gaining a new part of yourself (merging with another person completely), you are a new person. As we head into 2020, be prepared to share your wisdom with the world. 2020 will be a time where your beliefs, morality, and personal philosophies will come to the forefront of your experience. The transformations of your inner world will be clarified this month. Opportunities to form deep connections could come about as well, as Venus moves through Sagittarius. When Venus and Jupiter meet up in Sagittarius at the end of the month (November 25), this will be a time what may bring to light or surface the motivations of others, or close partners.
This month is a big one for relationships. The mercury in retrograde (October 31- November 20) will be the time to reflect on your partnerships and relationships. Now is a time to receive insights through other people. That could be direct through communication or experience, or indirect by noticing what relationships are mirroring back to you about yourself.
The full moon on November 12 will be the time to own who you are and how you fulfill your own needs in relationship. This also is a great time to do something fun with your appearance, maybe a makeover or something fun to treat yourself. The new moon at the end of the month on November 27 is the time to set intention using the wisdom from your 2019 personal transformation. How are you going to carry this new version of yourself into 2020? The seeds that are sewn during this new moon will blossom during the Lunar Eclipse in June 2020.
Gemini Rising//Gemini
The Jupiter transit this year emphasized relationships and partnerships. This can bring in new partnerships, or bring forward relationships that are very important in your life. The relationships and partnerships established this year have brought lucky and good fortune into your experience. If all else looks good in your chart, these relationships have the potential to last a very, very long time. 2020 will bring forward the opportunity to transform as a person. This transit could bring forward deep inner change and bring up topics hidden in the subconscious. In 2020, be ready to embrace change. Change is healthy, and in our best interest when we are ready to let go of a bit of control and surrender. Venus will be with Jupiter in Sagittarius this month, supporting new or helpful relationships in your experience. Pay attention to connections and partnerships and what they are telling you the last week of November (when the planets Jupiter and Venus are conjunct on the 25th).
This month, Mercury will be retrograde in Scorpio (October 31-November 20). For you, now is the perfect time to step back and get organized. Focus less on finishing everything on the to-do list, and focus more on prioritizing the to do list. The month may also highlight the topics of health, your job, or subordinantes.
The full moon on November 12th could bring forward some new revelations around your inner world. It is a great time to take a moment to retreat and be alone. It could also be possible for some haters to come out of the woodwork at this time. Be sure those around you have your highest interest in mind at this time. The new moon on November 26 is also a great time to set intention around relationships. The past year has highlighted these relationships, and as we move into 2020 they will help in your personal transformation. The relationship intentions set now will come to ahead in full force during eclipse season, June 2020.
Cancer Rising//Cancer
This year was all about the practice, and finding a sustainable routine that works for you to support your larger goals and authentic self. This energy would bring emphasis on topics like a new health routine (vitamins, juicing etc), new workouts that make sense for you, or even your job and day to day work life. This transit also shines light on how to optimize your day to day routine. It is a great time for you to put in the extra work to support a larger goal. With Venus here this month (November 1-24) This also would be the perfect time to connect with pets, or find a new animal friend! Now is a time to focus on how your new practices will support what you have to share with the world. In 2020, your focus will shift to sharing yourself and your gifts with others. Relationships will come into focus next year and all the work you have put in this year will help support how you share your talents with others.
November is the perfect time for you to dive deep into your creative projects. While Mercury is Retrograde in the sign of Scorpio (October 31-November 20) You may not move forward, but there will be juicy insights from doing in depth research, or getting into the creative flow. Topics of children or your close friend group also may be highlighted at this time. Mars will move into Scorpio on November 20, bringing in more fuel to your creative fire at the end of the month.
The full moon in Taurus on November 12 is a wonderful time for networking. Expand your friend groups, networks, and acquaintances. This time will illuminate where and how to connect with others to serve your goals. At the end of the month, we have a new moon on November 26. For this lunation, focus on setting intention around what you want your day to day work life to look like, and your routine. The lessons from 2019 will help to support setting these intentions to propel you into 2020.
Leo Rising//Leo
The transit of Jupiter in Sagittarius through the fifth house could have brought an increased emphasis on romance, creative projects, or just a renewed and exalted sense of self. Specifically, how you express yourself, shine your light, and share your gifts with the world. 2019 is the year to focus on any type of ‘baby’ or ‘child’, biological or non-biological offspring. This was a time to bring forward your most authentic self. Take this month to consider how you have grown into the most authentic self and keep the momentum going. In 2020, your focus will shift to how to sustain your own momentum. Consider what new practices and routines you can put in place to support your sense of purpose. The last week of November (around the 25th), Venus and Jupiter will come together giving you additional creative support.
While Mercury is in retrograde, this would be a great time to retreat inward.
During the retrograde period from Oct 31-Nov 12, take notice of how you are managing your private life and emotional world. Topics around your family, mother, homeland, physical house you live in may come during this retrograde. Family secrets may be unearthed. Practice self care, and be sure to nurture your roots so you can grow, however that looks for you.
The full moon on November 12 will shine a light on your career or professional life. If you have had any decisions pending in the workplace, this may be the time to receive news. Whatever messages come about regarding your professional life, be sure to examine them thoroughly. If you can, try to put off making any permanent decisions until November 20 (or 27) until Mercury is direct. If you can’t that’s okay! Just be sure to review all the details. The new moon on November 26th will be great for starting new projects, or setting intentions to grow your creative endeavors.
Virgo Rising//Virgo
2019 for you has been about your home and your roots. Improvements and upgrades in your home may have been a big theme for you this year. Relationships with your mother, or your parents came to the forefront as well. This was the year to find your own sense of purpose on a deep psychological level. As we move into 2020, the internal or familial focus will turn to be more external. Moving into 2020 there will be a shift to focus more on your personal contribution to the collective. How you have nurtured yourself during 2019 will help to contribute to a successful 2020. This Thanksgiving season would be a delightful time for you to spend quality time with your family. On November 25, Jupiter and Venus will be conjunct in Sagittarius. This will bring you luck and support in the area of home.
This mercury retrograde (Oct 31-Nov 20) is the perfect time to focus on how you are communicating to others. Err on the side of over-communication and being as detailed as possible to avoid misunderstanding. Topics may come up involving your siblings, friends, and neighbors. If you are making decisions around transportation like buying a new car or bike, it would be best to wait to make any permanent decisions until after November 20(or even 27th) if you can avoid it.
The full moon on November 9th will illuminate topics around morality and beliefs. Try to be open to those who think differently than you. Be sure to check yourself if you are overwhelmed with too much pride, and feel the urge to get preachy. Stepping on your high horse now will do you no good. Try to see more so what connects us, than what divides. Approaching different beliefs with empathy and understanding is a much more productive energy to bring into your life. The new moon on November 26 will be a great time to be with family, and set intention around what you want your family to look like as you move into 2020.
Libra Rising//Libra
The Jupiter transit of 2019 has brought forth intense mental activity. Making new connections and expanding the mind are a big theme with this energy. Your communication skills have come into focus, and how you relate to other people has become more important than ever. This year brought new learning opportunities or new skills into play. On a deeper level, this year would be a great time to understand the power of language and communication. 2020 will be a period to root and ground the busy body energy of 2019. Moving forward, how can you bring forward and merge the intellectual and emotional in a way that makes sense for you? The end of the month will be a wonderful time for writing, speaking, or publication ventures. Particularly around the 25th, when Venus is conjunct Sagittarius.
While mercury is retrograde, now is the time to reflect on how you fulfill your own needs. What are your most important values? How does your bank account and spending impact what you value and how you fulfill your own needs? If you can, avoid making any big purchases until the end of the month after the 20th (or 26th if you want to be safe). This month would be a great time to reassess your budget or finances.
The full moon on November 12th could highlight any areas of your finances that are being drained in an unproductive way. This would be a good time to connect with others around you deeply. The full moon would be an extremely effective time to partake in any rituals, majick, or spiritual practices. The subconscious will be lit up and open during this time. The new moon on the 26th should be a wonderful time to set intentions around how you communicate to the world. What do you want to project about your ideas?
Scorpio Rising//Scorpio
This year has been all about expanding your sense of self worth. This is about taking what you know you deserve, and expanding your personal wealth or personal values. Most importantly 2019 is about understanding that our material possessions reflect our subconscious values. Owning your self worth will help expand your material abundance. How have you manifested a new sense of security with your sense of self worth? Now that you are in a more secure place, it is time to start shifting, expanding, and focusing on the mind now to assist in your personal growth. Is there something you want to learn, or new places, people and friends to see? Social interaction and intellectual pursuits would be a great idea with this transition in 2020. The end of the month has the potential to bring some financial luck your way. On November 25, Venus and Jupiter will be together, providing support and assistance to the area of money and material possessions.
While mercury is retrograde from Oct 31-Nov 20, take time to reflect on how you take care of and nourish your physical body. This time will bring insights around self, how you self identify, and who you are. Be conscious about what you are projecting out into your environment. Don’t forget that as within, so without. Your relationships are a reflection of who you are, do you like what you see?
The full moon on November 12 will be illuminating your relationships. This could bring new relationships into your life, or highlight aspects of relationships you didn't know were there. If there is something under the surfaces of your relationships, it should come forward at this time. Be sure to be cautious about new relationships or partnerships until Mercury goes direct on the 20th (or 27th when the shadow period is over). The new moon on November 26th is a great time to set precedent about how you value yourself. Don’t settle for anything less than you are worth, and don’t be afraid to ask for it. The tone you set now will be important as we head into 2020, and bear fruit during the eclipse season in June 2020.
Sagittarius Rising//Sagittarius
This year was the start of a new chapter in life and it feels exciting! This was a year of personal magnetism, attracting people and resources to help you achieve growth. Take advantage of any opportunities that have been put in front of you this year. As we head into 2020, now is a true time to step fully into your self worth. The new year will focus on how you put monetary value on yourself will matter. Be sure you are asking for what you are worth, and not settling for less! The end of the month will be a great time for your personal magnetism, when Jupiter and Venus are conjunct on the 25th.
While mercury is retrograde this month from Oct 31-Nov 20, prepare to receive messages and insights in isolation, mediation, and retreat. Take time to examine your mental state, or get in touch with your spirituality. Now is the time to rethink what you need to let go of in order to embrace your fullest most authentic version of yourself. Meditation, hypnosis, or some type of practice to get in touch with what lies underneath the surface could be a great idea this month to make the most out of this transit.
The full moon on the 12th will be a great time to address anything around your health. Whether it be a routine doctors visit or introducing some new vitamins or juicing regimen. The practices you do every day have paid off and contributed to your current state of being. You will see these clearly during the full moon. The new moon on the 26th is a great time to reflect on and set intentions around your sense of self. What have you come to find is most true about your renewed sense of self at this during 2019? Set intentions to help propel you into the new year.
Capricorn Rising//Capricorn
2019 has been the end of a cycle in many ways. This year has been about releasing what no longer works for you, so you can move forward in life and step into your authentic self. This year has brought a shedding or a breakdown. Remember, the universe is always supporting you and pulling you towards the right direction. So, for better or for worse, the breakdown this year is moving you toward a more aligned version of yourself. Moving into 2020 will be a new start for you. It will be the year to step fully into your authentic self, like ‘the new you’ has finally arrived. New chapters, new opportunities, and big shifts will be coming your way if you are open to them.
While Mercury is Retrograde this month (Oct 31-Nov 20) now is a good time to re-evaluate networks and connections. Be open to receiving insights from your friends. Also, reassess your hopes, wishes and dreams. Are these wishes aligned with your deepest subconscious desires and values? When mercury goes direct around the 20th, this will be a wonderful time to move forward and forge powerful connections with those who support your dreams.
The first lunation of the month is a full moon on November 12. This full moon is a wonderful time to explore your creative side. Any projects or ‘children’ (biological or nonbiological) will be illuminated, revealed, and bear fruit that you have been waiting for. The new moon at the end of the month is the perfect time for release before the new year. Feel what are the last things you need to let go of, and what you want to grow, before you step into the new you in 2020.
Aquarius Rising//Aquarius
Life has come to a culmination of sorts. Your friendships, networks, and life is expanded. The Jupiter transit in 2019 highlights your community, friendships, and hopes and dreams. This year has been expansive. Now is a time for breaking down and breaking into a new way of being. 2020 will be about shedding. In a way, you are embracing and becoming a new version of yourself. Let go and embrace the journey to new beginnings will be a big theme in 2020. Networking will be supported on the 25th, as Venus and Jupiter meet up in Sagittarius.
During mercury retrograde (Oct 31-Nov 20), expect topics around your professional life to become an area of focus and reflection. Insights will be coming in through and about your career. Power dynamics in the workplace will be brought to light, be sure to examine the motivations of others before making professional commitments.
The full moon on November 12 will shine a light on topics around family and your roots. This could bring forward some secrets from the family. Or, this could be a wonderful time to spend with your mom or parents. How you manage your inner world is what is most important to understand during this full moon. The new moon on the 26th will be the time to set intentions around what you want your friendships and social networks to look like in 2020.
Pisces Rising//Pisces
2019 has emphasized the topic of your career and professional life. Questions and themes of how you contribute to the society have been highlighted and explored. Perhaps new responsibilities have been brought into your experience. Your social networks will come alive in a new way in 2020. Be prepared for these networks to expand in new ways. The professional groundwork laid in 2019 has power powerful potential to expand your persona in new and expansive ways. While 2019 may have been more goal driven, 2020 can be driven by your hopes, dreams, and highest aspirations. Venus will be in Sagittarius this month, which will bring in even more support to your career sector. The last week of November (Nov 25), will have Venus conjunct Jupiter, which means it will be a great time to shine in the workplace. Even doing something more public to boost or enhance your reputation/personal brand would be a great idea.
While mercury is retrograde the first part of the month (Oct 30-Nov 20) it is important to pay attention to insights are coming in from mentors, gurus, or from study (either self study or traditional academia). The mercury retrograde, for you, will be the perfect time to tap into and harness your inner wisdom. Take time to examine your beliefs, values, and morals. Ensure they align with how you are putting your best foot forward into the world.
The first lunation of the month is a full moon on November 12. This full moon is a wonderful time for communication, curiosity and exploration. This also may bring up topics around siblings or education. The new moon on November 26 will have a different feel. The New Moon is the time to sew the seeds for what you truly desire in your professional life. This will manifest come June 2020, during eclipse season.